Posts tagged ‘O.O’

September 26, 2011


I have 7 views! No way! I must be reading it wrong, not 0.7, not .07, but 7! 7 whole views! That’s AMAZZZZZING! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Huh? Oh, sorry, I only have 6 views so I get kinda bored. *whisper whisper* WHAT?!???? I have 7????! Oh my gosh! I need to celebrate! Woo hoo! 7 views! Just kidding. Seriously? Well, I shouldn’t be expecting too much…. But 7??! *sighs* oh well.
xD back to the point, well, I don’t really have a point LOL. I’m trying to make my ice house

20110925-094133.jpg look like a Celestian observatory. I’m kinda short on housing tricks but I have a teleporter up to the Frost Giant statue= GRAND observatory. Here’s a picture (i love pictures).

CL room

My "celestian" observatory

I don’t have this house, though….:

20110925-094349.jpg but I’m going to craft it. The only thing I have against crafted houses is the price, and that you have to craft other items to make it. In this case, 52 sunstone (plus other stuff) to make these (pics from w101c):




Geez that will take FOREVER! right now, all I have is a Celestia room, a star chalice, and that’s about it. Ooh, wait, um, lost my train of thought…. Maybe Duncan Grimwater can help. “what do you mean?” “this is what I mean.”

LOL! but I still cant remember. Has anyone got any suggestions? Also, right now in w101 I’m crafting the CL crafted ice wand (rod of rime) and WT crafted ice robe (chief’s garb of the cold) if you’re reading this, please–
Tell me how I did in the comments (please)
Tell me how to stack items lol housing (optional)
Tell me how to make items in each other lol housing without tatami mats sticking out

The Shadow will fall.

P.S. I don’t feel my posts are long enough. Any hints? Maybe I’m not a good blogger…. 😦